Beginning in May 2008  Library – Periodical collection of the Banco di Napoli Institute – Foundation catalogue has been available   on the Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (National Library Service), as part of the POLO SBN of the Campania Region, the network of Italian libraries promoted by the Minister of Cultural Affairs (MiBAC) with the cooperation of Italian Regions and Universities, coordinated by the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche (Central Institute for a single Catalogue of Italian Libraries and bibliographical information –  ICCU).You can do research online using the  sistema OPAC- Online Public Access Catalog. The OPAC system allows users to find information about the bibliographic catalogue and to use the web services connected to it. The patrimony of the Library is easily constable according to the different key research terms (author, title, and subject) directly from OPAC of the Campania Region. There is also an e-Library containing publications edited by the Banco di Napoli Institute – Foundation, or written by scholars in the form of downloadable e-books, which were made possible through research done in the Historical Archives, such as the  “Bollettino d’Archivio” (Archives Newsletter) and the “Quaderni dell’Archivio” (Archives Notebooks).