Banco dello Spirito Santo

Location: Via Toledo


In the second half of the 1500s, under the direction of the Dominican Priest Ambrogio Salvio, the Confraternita degli Illuminati dello Spirito Santo was founded. After acquiring some land near the Royal Portal, the Brotherhood erected a church and in 1562 decided to establish two conservatories, “[…] one for the virgin daughters of the poor brothers and other damsels who were under the protection of prostitutes, with the danger of losing their virginal modesty.” (Celano).

With the 18,000 ducats collected, in 1590 the Brotherhood was authorised by the Government to open a public treasury for deposits with which they could finance their charity work. The portal and the well by Cosimo Fanzago with the designs by Giovan Giacomo Conforto are preserved in the old headquarters of the Bank, which is still the site of various offices of the Banco di Napoli.